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Advantages of being a member of Trenes Deluxe
Earn up to 6% sales commission
Simple and easy to use affiliate panel
Sales registration with 90 days for cookies
Real-time statistics of visits and sales
Timely payments by transfer or PayPal
Personalized attention to help you generate sales
Read the terms and conditions of the affiliate program
Easy registration
- Register at the link to request to participate in our Affiliate Program
- We will review your request
- Once approved, we’ll send you a unique tracking link to share on your platform
- Once set up, you just have to wait and watch your profits increase!
Frequent questions
What train trips are commissionable as a member?
Any of the luxury tourist trains in Spain: Tren Transcantábrico (eltrentranscantabrico.com/en), Tren Al-Andalus (eltrenalandalus.com/en), Tren Costa Verde Express (trencostaverdeexpress.com/en) and Tren Expreso de La Robla (trenexpresodelarobla.com/en)
Can I earn more than 6% commission?
The profits mentioned above (6%) are the starting point. If you have a proposal to promote our train trips by exposing it in additional media, do not hesitate to contact us and we will evaluate your case with greater precision.
Where can I promote trips?
Wherever you want: whether on your blog, social networks, website or among your circle of friends. Just be sure to include the tracking link when you promote us.
Does Deluxe Trains provide banners?
Of course. Every month, we share new creative resources to improve our affiliate promotions. Don’t lose sight of exclusive promotions!
When are affiliate commissions paid?
Commissions will be paid the month following the provision of the service to the referred client.
If a client cancels their reservation, what commission will be paid?
Depending on the cancellation policy applied to the client, there will be a percentage penalty for the trip (https://eltrenalandalus.com/en/booking-conditions). The affiliate will always receive the commission with respect to the total amount charged or penalized to the client.
Example: A client who cancels more than 30 days later will be penalized 15% of their trip total. The affiliate will receive his commission with respect to the amount of 15% penalized.
Can I post paid ads?
Affiliates may not bid (with respect to online advertising, including but not limited to pay-per-click or pay-per-impression campaigns) on any keyword or phrase that contains brand or travel terms and does not They may include Trenes Deluxe affiliate links in paid advertisements that impersonate the brand. See our membership conditions for more details.